What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform that allows you to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications using containerization. Containers are lightweight and isolated environments that encapsulate an application along with its dependencies, such as libraries, frameworks, and system tools.

With Docker, you can package your application and its dependencies into a single container, ensuring consistency across different environments. This makes it easier to deploy your application on various platforms, such as laptops, servers, or cloud providers, without worrying about compatibility issues.

Docker provides a simple and standardized way to build, distribute, and run containers. It uses a layered file system and images to efficiently share and reuse common components across containers. Docker images are the building blocks used to create containers, and they can be easily shared and version-controlled through Docker registries.

The Docker ecosystem includes several components:

Docker has gained popularity because it simplifies the development and deployment process, promotes consistency across environments, improves scalability, and enables the creation of microservices architectures. It has become a standard tool in the software development and DevOps communities.